Intimate Insurance

We will formulate a suitable insurance policy for you according to your needs.


It was in the blink of an eye

Medical insurance generally refers to basic medical insurance, which is a social insurance system established to compensate employees for economic losses caused by disease risks.

01. Commercial medical insurance

Can be divided into reimbursement medical insurance and compensation medical insurance.
Reimbursement medical insurance means that the medical expenses spent by the patient in the hospital are reimbursed by the insurance company, and indemnity medical insurance means that the patient is clearly diagnosed by the hospital as suffering from a certain disease listed in the contract, and the insurance company agrees to the contract. The amount to be paid to patients for treatment and care.

02. Allowance payment type

Subsidy payment medical insurance is a medical insurance in which the insurance company pays insurance money to the insured person by time, by day or by item in accordance with the subsidy standard stipulated in the contract. The claims have nothing to do with the actual medical expenses incurred, and no invoice is required.


Help your goals at every stage of life

  • 8 Seats

    Covering the city

  • 800W

    Customer service

  • 5000 People

    Corporate employees

  • Excellent

    International awards

Suitable plan

Help your goals at every stage of life

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